The Lowcountry is, in my option one of the most unique fisheries in the world. From the wildlife to the vegetation its home to wide assortment of wild life and vegetation. One of the big draws for anglers in Charleston is something called a “ Flood Tide”. Flood Tides are high tides that are higher than the average. These super high, high tides allows fish, specifically Redfish to go into the grass to feed and warm up. I will have another post specifically about Flood Tides and what makes them so great in another post. This post is about a major food source that I look for when finding new areas to fish, the Periwinkle Snail.
Hiding in plain sight, holding onto Spartina grass, is a favorite food for a red fish. A lot anglers overlook these guys while looking for fish on flats. I get it, they are small and usually plentyfull in this area, but, thats .not to say they dont play a very important role in finding a great flood tide flat. Periwinkles, for me, are a huge sign for a healthy flat, the more you see the better the food chain and a healthy flat will usually provide fish.
Periwinkles are small snails, known scientifically as Littoraria irrorata. They live in salt marshes, found stuck onto Spartina grass moving up and down with the tide. Periwinkles are more than just a food source, they are indicators of a healthy marsh ecosystem. When tides are high, these snails being easy and abundant targets often find themselves on the menu for hunting red fish, many times you can hear the fish gulp the snail from the surface of the water.
- Capt. Conner

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