New to saltwater fishing in Charleston? Tackle shops can be over whelming for someone new to our fishery. Here is my list of essential tackle for Charleston’s inshore waters to help point you in the right direction, and save you a little money.

Key Artificial Lures for Charleston Fishing
Zman MinnowZ – These are super versatile, and I always carry a couple of colors (light and dark) to match water conditions. Perfect for grass lines and oyster beds.
Zman Finesse TRD – A winter favorite. Its action is ideal for clear water when fish are spooky.
Zman Kicker CrabZ – Great for fishing along grass flats and shallows. The larger profile and movement grab fish attention.
Gulp Shrimp – Reliable and versatile. I keep both light and dark options to adjust for water clarity.
Gulp Swimming Mullet – This lure’s adaptable speed lets you cover different depths, from shallow flats to deeper water.
VooDoo Shrimp – Excellent under a popping cork, which adds noise and vibration to attract fish.
Popping Cork – Ideal with both artificial and live bait, a must for creating enough movement to grab fish’s attention.
Weedless Jig Heads- To avoid snags in grass and oyster beds
Zman Weedless Ned Heads and Eye Strike Texas Heads are my go-to choices for keeping bait secure and snag-free around Charleston’s structure.
Flounder caught on a Voodoo Shrimp under a popping cork Live Bait Rigs
For those days when live bait is best, here’s what you’ll need:
Weights (egg and split shot) – Handy for adjusting depth to match the tides and currents.
Beads – Protects your line and adds a subtle sound to draw fish in.
Circle Hooks (#1 or #2) – Great for a solid hook-up and easy release, perfect for Charleston’s inshore species.
Pro Tips for Charleston Waters
Charleston has big tide changes that affect water clarity, so having both light and dark colors at your disposal is a smart move. Remember, fish like water movement, adjust your tactics with the tides.
Feel free to reach out with any questions, i'm happy to help!
Thank you for reading,
Captain Conner Bryant
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