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Protectors Of The Marsh


Updated: Jan 2

Hiding in plain sight throughout Charleston’s waters, is a hidden treasure that plays an important role in the ecosystem, an edible delicacy, the oyster. Hundreds of years ago local Native American tribes recognized their value and abundance, using them in ceremonies and eating them. Today they are on menus around the world and play a crucial role in keeping our marshes alive and healthy. 

Beyond their culinary appeal, oysters serve as the hidden heroes in our waters. They filter water by eating algae and other particles, create micro eco systems, erosion control, and carbon cycling. A single oyster can filter up to 50 gallons of water per day, contributing to the health of Charleston's water.

Anyone who has spent time on our water has probably seen an oyster reef. They provide a sanctuary for different fish species, crustaceans, and other marine life, which contributes to the overall health of the fishery. Many fish species rely on oyster reefs for shelter, feeding grounds,  cover, and a safe environment for spawning. As a fishing guide in Charleston, I rely heavily on oyster reefs and oysters spat piles for Redfish and other species. 

Charleston's oyster population is facing a few challenges, from habitat loss, pollution, and over harvesting. Conservation groups, and local agencies are working on projects that protect and restore oyster beds. Building artificial reefs and enforcing responsible harvesting tactics have made a positive impact to keep an healthy oyster population.

Oysters are like the guardians of the Charleston waters, and a huge part of Charleston's culture and history. Next time you’re on the water say thank you to all of the oyster beds you pass.




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