Cooler weather only mean one thing, oyster roast! Well here is a great recipe for the fancier type, oyster Rockefeller.
You’ll need:
Heavy whipping cream
Parmesan cheese
Mozzarella cheese
Black pepper
Old bay
Red pepper flakes
Onion powder

Wash and open all of your oysters and lay them out on a sheet. Then preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

On medium low heat add minced garlic and butter to a pan. Once fragrant add your spinach until it’s cooked down, stirring regularly. Then add heavy whipping cream and all of your seasoning. I measure with my heart with the seasoning, so season to your taste. Simmer for a couple of minutes then add Parmesan cheese and stir until cheese has melted.
Add your mix unto the oysters then top with mozzarella cheese. Place in over 10-15 minutes, I like a little char on mine to I usually broil 2 minutes after that.
Let cool for a bit and enjoy!

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Great recipe but I put a twist on it and smoke them and place them near the fire.